当人们考虑一个决策时,大脑分配了过大的权重给了最先收到的信息,这属于? When people consider a deci

自然直观模式不适用于下列哪种情况? Which of the following is NOT suitable use n

标准分析模式不适用于下列哪种情况? Which of the following is NOT suitable use sta

作为决策者,下列哪一种观点正确? As a decision maker, which of the following is

决策过程非常复杂。但是,它可以缩写为下列哪六个字母? The decision-making process is very

当飞行员突遇紧急情况时,应该遵循下列哪种原则? When pilot suddenly encountered an emer

克服反权威态度的逆向思维方式应该是? Reverse way of thinking to overcome the anti

具有“我不需要遵守条例”或“不用你告诉我做什么和怎么做”想法或表现的飞行员,可认为他已具有哪种危险态度? With the id

影响飞行员判断的五种危险态度是哪些? What are the five kinds of risk attitude whi

驾驶舱文化差异的概念主要是指什么? What is the main concept of the cockpit cultu