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(1).In no way ____responsible for the accident.

A.was the cyclist held
B.the cyclist was held
C.did the cyclist hold
D.the cyclist held

(2).The head waiter poured the dessert wine,but not until the cake _____cut.

A.would be
C.had been
D.has been

(3).I suggested that he_____ a day off to see his doctor.

D.to take

(4).His long_____ public service earns him respect across the country.

A.appreciation of
B.responsibility for
C.obligation to
D.commitment to

(5).Children shouldn't _____so much violence on the screen.

A.add up to
B.live up to
C.be available to
D.be exposed to

(6).There are more than twice _____people on the planet today as there were in 1960.

A.as much
D.so much

(7).Neither the brown _____the black shoes look good with that suit.


(8).The children ____and play in the giant's garden after school.

A.are used to going
B.used to go
C.were used to going
D.are used to go

(9).let's not wait any longer;he might not ____after all.

A.turn up
B.turn over
C.turn in
D.turn down

(10).It is____ going fora picnic as long as the rain lasts.

A.no way
B.no good
C.no cause
D.no reason

(11).Having adjusted the telescopic focus, he waited for the bright star to____ view again.

A.go into
B.come out of
C.go out of
D.come into

(12).It never ____my son to contact me when he is in trouble.


(13).Tom is ____clever not to know the answer to this question.


(14).She tried to_____ him of the importance of making plans.


(15)._____his pioneering work in the late 1930s, Earl Hines has been called the father of modern jazz piano ever since.

A.As a result of
B.In the course of
C.As an example of
D.In the case of

(16).Dr. Blake has just received an invitation from Washington University to join the_____ as a full-time professor.


(17).The archaeologists are_____ by the bones that have been found here and there buried in the ground.


(18).A storm moved directly over the island, knocking down buildings and_____ streets.


(19).There is no perfect trading system, and each of the proposed ones has its own _____.


(20).Henry is unable to attend the conference, because this afternoon he_____be giving a mini-lecture about physics.



Passage 2  When one sees a lazy, contented cat stretched out asleep in front of the fire, it is hard to believe that she is the first cousin to the tiger. If you want proof the cat's Relationship to the tiger, watch her stalking sparrows in the roadway. She creeps nearer and nearer her prey, taking advantage of any shelter, while her eyes blaze with excitement, and muscle stands out rigid and ready for the fatal spring .Again, look at the infinite patience of the cat watching a mouse-hole. It sticks to its post for days together, until the poor mouse is caught.  The cat is one of the most friendly animals. As far back as history goes she has always been a household pet In Egypt cats were worshipped.  Hundreds of instances might be given of the cleverness of cats. Cats will learn to open latched doors and ring bells they will pick up odd friendships with dogs, and have been known to make friends with rats, pigeons, chickens, frogs, and other strangers.  There is a well-known story in France of a cat who, after sitting in its sick mistress' mom until she died, visited the grave and was found lying dead there, apparently of grief.  Cats are very fond of their young, and watch over them just as human beings do over their babies. An interesting story of a cat's bravery is the following:  Some kittens belonging to a farmer's pet cat were playing in the yard, when a sparrow-hawk swooped down and carried one off. Without an instant's pause, the cat flew off to the forest, where she knew the hawk's nest was. She came to the tree and scrambled up it and in the large nest at the tap she found her kitten unharmed, nestling down among the young hawks. She seized it in her mouth and carried it home. When the hawk appeared again the cat was on the watch, caught the thief and rolled it about on the t:round until the hawk made its escape and let the kittens alone.  Domestic cats are of many colors and sizes and found all over the world. In America people look upon the cat as a symbol of luck. Cats are excellent hunters, and are much used to keep rats and mice away from houses. They are active at night in their habits, like the rest of their tribe, only instead of roaming the jungles, they parade the roofs of houses, and keep people awake with their sad Cries.What is implied in the first sentence of Paragraph 1?

A.Cats are lazy and contented animals.
B.Cats are greatly different from tigers.
C.Cats and tigers are animals with great patience.
D.Cats' behaviors may build up a false image of themselves.


Passage 2  When one sees a lazy, contented cat stretched out asleep in front of the fire, it is hard to believe that she is the first cousin to the tiger. If you want proof the cat's Relationship to the tiger, watch her stalking sparrows in the roadway. She creeps nearer and nearer her prey, taking advantage of any shelter, while her eyes blaze with excitement, and muscle stands out rigid and ready for the fatal spring .Again, look at the infinite patience of the cat watching a mouse-hole. It sticks to its post for days together, until the poor mouse is caught.  The cat is one of the most friendly animals. As far back as history goes she has always been a household pet In Egypt cats were worshipped.  Hundreds of instances might be given of the cleverness of cats. Cats will learn to open latched doors and ring bells they will pick up odd friendships with dogs, and have been known to make friends with rats, pigeons, chickens, frogs, and other strangers.  There is a well-known story in France of a cat who, after sitting in its sick mistress' mom until she died, visited the grave and was found lying dead there, apparently of grief.  Cats are very fond of their young, and watch over them just as human beings do over their babies. An interesting story of a cat's bravery is the following:  Some kittens belonging to a farmer's pet cat were playing in the yard, when a sparrow-hawk swooped down and carried one off. Without an instant's pause, the cat flew off to the forest, where she knew the hawk's nest was. She came to the tree and scrambled up it and in the large nest at the tap she found her kitten unharmed, nestling down among the young hawks. She seized it in her mouth and carried it home. When the hawk appeared again the cat was on the watch, caught the thief and rolled it about on the t:round until the hawk made its escape and let the kittens alone.  Domestic cats are of many colors and sizes and found all over the world. In America people look upon the cat as a symbol of luck. Cats are excellent hunters, and are much used to keep rats and mice away from houses. They are active at night in their habits, like the rest of their tribe, only instead of roaming the jungles, they parade the roofs of houses, and keep people awake with their sad Cries.Which of the following can best explain the underlined phrase in Paragraph 1?

A.Prepared to take shelter
B.Ready to have a drink
C.Prepared to lap for the killing.
D.Ready for the coming of spring


Passage 2  When one sees a lazy, contented cat stretched out asleep in front of the fire, it is hard to believe that she is the first cousin to the tiger. If you want proof the cat's Relationship to the tiger, watch her stalking sparrows in the roadway. She creeps nearer and nearer her prey, taking advantage of any shelter, while her eyes blaze with excitement, and muscle stands out rigid and ready for the fatal spring .Again, look at the infinite patience of the cat watching a mouse-hole. It sticks to its post for days together, until the poor mouse is caught.  The cat is one of the most friendly animals. As far back as history goes she has always been a household pet In Egypt cats were worshipped.  Hundreds of instances might be given of the cleverness of cats. Cats will learn to open latched doors and ring bells they will pick up odd friendships with dogs, and have been known to make friends with rats, pigeons, chickens, frogs, and other strangers.  There is a well-known story in France of a cat who, after sitting in its sick mistress' mom until she died, visited the grave and was found lying dead there, apparently of grief.  Cats are very fond of their young, and watch over them just as human beings do over their babies. An interesting story of a cat's bravery is the following:  Some kittens belonging to a farmer's pet cat were playing in the yard, when a sparrow-hawk swooped down and carried one off. Without an instant's pause, the cat flew off to the forest, where she knew the hawk's nest was. She came to the tree and scrambled up it and in the large nest at the tap she found her kitten unharmed, nestling down among the young hawks. She seized it in her mouth and carried it home. When the hawk appeared again the cat was on the watch, caught the thief and rolled it about on the t:round until the hawk made its escape and let the kittens alone.  Domestic cats are of many colors and sizes and found all over the world. In America people look upon the cat as a symbol of luck. Cats are excellent hunters, and are much used to keep rats and mice away from houses. They are active at night in their habits, like the rest of their tribe, only instead of roaming the jungles, they parade the roofs of houses, and keep people awake with their sad Cries.Which word can best describe the cat in the well-known French story?



Passage 2  When one sees a lazy, contented cat stretched out asleep in front of the fire, it is hard to believe that she is the first cousin to the tiger. If you want proof the cat's Relationship to the tiger, watch her stalking sparrows in the roadway. She creeps nearer and nearer her prey, taking advantage of any shelter, while her eyes blaze with excitement, and muscle stands out rigid and ready for the fatal spring .Again, look at the infinite patience of the cat watching a mouse-hole. It sticks to its post for days together, until the poor mouse is caught.  The cat is one of the most friendly animals. As far back as history goes she has always been a household pet In Egypt cats were worshipped.  Hundreds of instances might be given of the cleverness of cats. Cats will learn to open latched doors and ring bells they will pick up odd friendships with dogs, and have been known to make friends with rats, pigeons, chickens, frogs, and other strangers.  There is a well-known story in France of a cat who, after sitting in its sick mistress' mom until she died, visited the grave and was found lying dead there, apparently of grief.  Cats are very fond of their young, and watch over them just as human beings do over their babies. An interesting story of a cat's bravery is the following:  Some kittens belonging to a farmer's pet cat were playing in the yard, when a sparrow-hawk swooped down and carried one off. Without an instant's pause, the cat flew off to the forest, where she knew the hawk's nest was. She came to the tree and scrambled up it and in the large nest at the tap she found her kitten unharmed, nestling down among the young hawks. She seized it in her mouth and carried it home. When the hawk appeared again the cat was on the watch, caught the thief and rolled it about on the t:round until the hawk made its escape and let the kittens alone.  Domestic cats are of many colors and sizes and found all over the world. In America people look upon the cat as a symbol of luck. Cats are excellent hunters, and are much used to keep rats and mice away from houses. They are active at night in their habits, like the rest of their tribe, only instead of roaming the jungles, they parade the roofs of houses, and keep people awake with their sad Cries.According to the passage, what can be said about the farmer's pet cat?

A.It is quick, patient and well-behaved as a pet.
B.It is clever, watchful and protective of its young.
C.It is strong, courageous and ready to fight against
D.It is brave, determined and good at climbing trees.


Passage 2  When one sees a lazy, contented cat stretched out asleep in front of the fire, it is hard to believe that she is the first cousin to the tiger. If you want proof the cat's Relationship to the tiger, watch her stalking sparrows in the roadway. She creeps nearer and nearer her prey, taking advantage of any shelter, while her eyes blaze with excitement, and muscle stands out rigid and ready for the fatal spring .Again, look at the infinite patience of the cat watching a mouse-hole. It sticks to its post for days together, until the poor mouse is caught.  The cat is one of the most friendly animals. As far back as history goes she has always been a household pet In Egypt cats were worshipped.  Hundreds of instances might be given of the cleverness of cats. Cats will learn to open latched doors and ring bells they will pick up odd friendships with dogs, and have been known to make friends with rats, pigeons, chickens, frogs, and other strangers.  There is a well-known story in France of a cat who, after sitting in its sick mistress' mom until she died, visited the grave and was found lying dead there, apparently of grief.  Cats are very fond of their young, and watch over them just as human beings do over their babies. An interesting story of a cat's bravery is the following:  Some kittens belonging to a farmer's pet cat were playing in the yard, when a sparrow-hawk swooped down and carried one off. Without an instant's pause, the cat flew off to the forest, where she knew the hawk's nest was. She came to the tree and scrambled up it and in the large nest at the tap she found her kitten unharmed, nestling down among the young hawks. She seized it in her mouth and carried it home. When the hawk appeared again the cat was on the watch, caught the thief and rolled it about on the t:round until the hawk made its escape and let the kittens alone.  Domestic cats are of many colors and sizes and found all over the world. In America people look upon the cat as a symbol of luck. Cats are excellent hunters, and are much used to keep rats and mice away from houses. They are active at night in their habits, like the rest of their tribe, only instead of roaming the jungles, they parade the roofs of houses, and keep people awake with their sad Cries.What is the author's attitude towards cats?











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(46).B.根据课文的内容在每个空白处填入一个恰当的词。 It was very late at night on the eve of Memorial Day. She got on the subway   61    at the 34thStreet Pennsylvania Station I am still trying to remember   62    she managed to push herself   63    with a baby on her right arm, a traveling Bag in her   64    hand and two children, a boy and a girl, about three and five years old,   65    after her. She was a nice looking white lady in her early twenties At Nevins Street, Brooklyn.I saw her    66    to get off the next station-Atlantic Avenue-   67    happened to be the place where l had to get off. Just   68    it was a problem for her to get on, it was going to be a problem for her to get off the train   69    two small children to be    70    care of, a baby on her right arm and a medium-sized bag in her left hand.__________


(47).In “Love of Life,”the man was deserted by his companion Bill. What made him press on to the destination was _____ .

his desire to survive/live on

(48).“Little Things Are Big” is a story about a black man who wanted to help a white woman at a subway station late at night but failed to do so, because_____.

he was afraid of being misunderstood

(49).According to the author of “Happiness,”long-term happiness is a process of moving towards worthwhile goals and______.

contributing to the welfare and happiness of others

(50).In “Remembering Tracy Bill” Gory and Bill Marsh, in order to do what their son had wished, decided to_____.

donate Tracy’s organs

(51).In “The Story of an Hour,” Louise Mallard was surprising1y excited at their husband's sudden death because her 8rcatesi desire in life was_____.

to be free and to live for herself alone

(52).According to the author of “Another School Year-What For?” students in a university, unlike those in a technical training school, enroll for both_____.

training and education

(53).In “thank You, Ma'am,”instead of raking the boy who had tried to snatch her purse to the police, the large woman _____.

dragged him to her room

(54).In“The Great Idea of Mr. Budd,” the police finally caught the murderer because_____.

Mr.Budd had dyed the murderer’s hair green

(55).According to“Hans Christian Andersen’s Own Fairy Tale,”the famous story The Little Match Girl is based on the real life experience of_____.

Andersen’s mother

(56).In this“ Life”after he had worked in the restaurant for five or six weeks, the author learned from the Jewish man_____.

a way to study/how to study


Tom is a heavy smoker/chain-smoker and his friends advise him to give up the bad habit.


That ola granny/woman is hard of smoking, so you have to shout when you talk to her.


The boss asked George to leave the company. In other words, he was fired/dismissed.


The book he has been working on for two years will most likely be published/out by the end of the year.


We didn’t know who broke to him the news that his son had got injured.


She went into John’s office to apologize to him for her rude behavior the day before.


Mary finally passed the entrance examination,all her hard work had paid off.


Though the teacher’s question was very difficult,David came up with the correct answer.


He paced back and forth in the room(while)thinking about what people in the disaster-stricken area needed most.


Weather permitting, we’ll go boating on the West Lake tomorrow.



