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Swiss banksSwitzerland is well-known for chocolate and its watch

Swiss banks

Switzerland is well-known for chocolate and its watch-making industry. It is even more famous for its unique banking and financial system. 26____

Banking in Switzerland goes back to the 18th century. In the past, not only rich people but also dictators(独裁者 kept their money in Swiss banks. During World II War German Nazis put much of their money in Switzerland. 27.____

Swiss banks are popular for many reasons 28.____. It enjoys one of the highest per capita(人均) incomes in the world. It has been neutral for many centuries, especially during the two world war's. In addition, the Swiss franc is one of the most stable currencies in the world.

Most importantly, Swiss banks follow very strict privacy rules. In 1931, a law was passed that forbade Swiss banks to reveal the names of account holders. 29.____ If a Swiss banker reveals a person's bank account without permission, he or she commits a crime. Such regulations have made Switzerland a popular destination for many people.

Lately, however, the Swiss government has been under heavy pressure from other countries. 30.____ They want the banks to reveal the names of possible criminals.


A. They urge it to change its bank laws.
B. Banks strictly protect the privacy of their clients.
C. Private banking has a long tradition in the country.
D. Banks play an important role in Switzerland's' economy
E. Foreigners in troubled areas also kept money in Swiss banks.
F.For one, the country has a very stable and prosperous economy.
【正确答案】:26-30: D E F B A
【题目解析】:26、【D】根据空格前文的意思“It is even more famous for its unique banking and financial system. ____(它更以其独特的银行和金融体系而闻名。 ____)”此题容易在C选项和D选项中纠结,可以在做完其他确定的题目后再选答案。阅读完整篇文章没有提到“Private banking(私人银行)”,因此选择D选项最合适,意思是“Banks play an important role in Switzerland's' economy.(银行在瑞士经济中扮演着重要的角色。)”。
27、【E】根据空格前文的意思“During World II War German Nazis put much of their money in Switzerland. ____(在第二次世界大战期间,德国纳粹把他们的大部分钱放在瑞士。____)”可知选择E选项最合适,意思是“Foreigners in troubled areas also kept money in Swiss banks.(在动荡地区的外国人也把钱存在瑞士银行。)”。
28、【F】根据空格前后文的意思“Swiss banks are popular for many reasons. ____ It enjoys one of the highest per capita incomes in the world. (瑞士银行受欢迎的原因有很多。_____它是世界上人均收入最高的国家之一。)”可知选择F选项最合适,意思是“For one, the country has a very stable and prosperous economy.(首先,这个国家有一个非常稳定和繁荣的经济。)”。
29、【B】根据空格前后文的意思“ In 1931, a law was passed that forbade Swiss banks to reveal the names of account holders. ____ If a Swiss banker reveals a person's bank account without permission, he or she commits a crime. (1931年,瑞士通过了一项法律,禁止银行透露账户持有人的姓名。____如果一个瑞士银行家未经允许泄露一个人的银行账户,他或她就是犯罪。)”可知选择B选项最合适,意思是“Banks strictly protect the privacy of their clients.(银行严格保护客户的隐私。)”。
30、【A】根据空格前后文的意思“Lately, however, the Swiss government has been under heavy pressure from other countries. ____ They want the banks to reveal the names of possible criminals.(然而,最近瑞士政府受到了来自其他国家的巨大压力。____他们希望银行公布可能的罪犯的名字。)”可知选项A最适合,意思是“ They urge it to change its bank laws.(他们敦促它修改银行法。)”。“they”指的是“other countries”,“it”指的是“the Swiss government”。


