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Do you know how destructive termites are? Suppose a tall building is infested with termites and nothing is done about it, the floor and the wooden paneling inside it will have been eaten in less than ten years. If seriously affected, houses of the ordinary kind might suddenly crumble, causing loss of lives. Termite-eaten electric posts should, as a rule, be replaced every two or three years. Termite-ridden ships will find their cargo eaten and those seriously affected might sink. Trains running on termite-eaten sleepers are running the risk of going off the rails. What a curse termites are! “Termites” of a different kind exist in our society. According to recent press reports, Wang Zhen, the ex-deputy head of Foreign Trade Bureau of Jilin Province abused his powers and wasted a horrifying amount of public property. Generous at the expense of the state, he wined and dined, held dinner parties, gave gifts, and sought all other kinds of pleasures. Aren’t such people “termites” too?


