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The title of this bilingual collection,?Cherished Dawn Blossomsreminds one of a bouquet of reopened blossoms. These blossoms of Chinese literature were once in full bloom in much-read books, in teachers’ curricular and on the lips of students. Time flows like water in a river. Ten or more years hence, those students would have grown up, but whatever position they hold in society today, they will never forget those beautiful pieces of prose, poetry and stories in their old school books. The sound of the classroom recital of those masterpieces still echoes in their years, making them nostalgic for those school days. One day, an idea suddenly hit us, the editors of these series- wouldn’t it be wonderful to pick up those cherished blossoms and arrange them into bouquets for our readers who would probably look at them again from a new prospective, a matured aesthetic judgment?


